Roxie (Ruoxi) Jiang

I am a Computer Science PhD student at the University of Chicago advised by Professor Rebecca Willett.

Previously, I received my master's degree in Operations Research at Columbia University and bachelor's degree at Xi'an JiaoTong University.

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My research interests lie in machine learning for dynamical systems and its applications in scientific computing. In particular, I work on learning structural hidden representations of the high-dimensional data. My work has been applied to addressing inverse problems with uncertainty quantification and designing practical algorithms to achieve data efficiency in decision-making problems (i.e., bandits). Currently, I am interested in predicting high-dimensional chaotic systems with deep learning.

Training neural operators to preserve invariant measures of chaotic attractors
Ruoxi Jiang*, Peter Y. Lu*, Elena Orlova, Rebecca Willett
NeurIPS, 2023

We introduce two novel approaches: Optimal-transport(OT) based method with prior knowledge of the phsycial property; and Contrastive learning (CL) based method in absence of prior knowledge, to match long-term statistics of chaotic dynamical systems with noisy observations.

Training neural operators to preserve invariant measures of chaotic attractors
Elena Orlova, Aleksei Ustimenko, Ruoxi Jiang, Peter Y. Lu, Rebecca Willett
In review

We develop a novel deep-learning-based approach to solve time-evolving Schrödinger equation, with inspiration from stochastic mechanics and diffusion models.

Embed and Emulate: Learning to estimate parameters of dynamical systems with uncertainty quantification
Ruoxi Jiang, Rebecca Willett
NeurIPS, 2022
poster / arXiv

A novel contrastive framework for learning feature embeddings of observed dynamics jointly with an emulator that can replace high-cost simulators for parameter estimation.

Pure Exploration in Kernel and Neural Bandits
Yinglun Zhu*, Dongruo Zhou*, Ruoxi Jiang*, Quanquan Gu, Rebecca Willett, Robert Nowak
NeurIPS, 2021
slides / arXiv

To overcome the curse of dimensionality, we propose to adaptively embed the feature representation of each arm into a lower-dimensional space and carefully deal with the induced model misspecifications.

Source code from Dr.Jon Barron.